Become a Landmarks Society Donor

Landmarks Society’s historical sites and History Collections are meaningful assets to the community and the costs of preservation are significant. Please make a donation today and help to preserve our local heritage for future generations.

Old St. Hilary’s Needs Your Help!

Age, wind, weather and settlement all take their toll on our old buildings, but this time of year it’s fire danger we worry about. Our local fire department tells us we must not only provide 30 feet of defensible space surrounding the chapel, but a new hardscape barrier around the perimeter to defend it from windblown embers.


Through September 15th two generous supporters will match all donations up to $35,000.

We are a small community-led organization, so every contribution is meaningful and much appreciated. At Landmarks we are committed to preserving an enduring record of our community’s history and we invite you to continue on this path with us.

Please make a donation today to help preserve our rich history for this and future generations.

Ways to Donate:
-Via Paypal or credit card online
Mail: Send a check to the Landmarks Office 1550 Tiburon Boulevard, Suite M, Tiburon, CA 94920
Phone: Call the Landmarks Office – (415) 435-1853.


All memberships include a subscription to the printed Landmark newsletter and invitations to special programs and events.

Membership Levels: Friend ($60), Preservationist ($100), Patron ($250), Historian ($500), Steward ($1,000), Guardian ($2,500), Benefactor ($5,000) See MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS for more information.

Thank you in advance for your continued support!


Help fund the ongoing restoration of the Social Hall of the Paddle Steamer China, which was built in 1866. The Cabin is constantly battered by sun, wind, and rain and each year needs significant work to fix the exterior wood panels, metal railings around the building, and outside varnishing of decks and benches. The interior gold leaf and walnut woodwork and floors are carefully treated annually as well.

Old St. Hilary’s Landmark

Help fund maintenance and upgrades of Old St. Hilary’s Landmark. Each year,  interior and exterior repairs of this iconic building are needed as is ongoing maintenance of the rare wildflower preserve surrounding the church. Old St. Hilary’s overlooks downtown Tiburon and the San Francisco Bay, and Landmarks is constantly protecting this pristine space.

Tiburon Railroad and Ferry Depot Museum

The Donahue Building, now known as the Railroad and Ferry Depot Museum, has watched over the Tiburon waterfront since 1884. It serves as a tribute to Tiburon’s history and is a destination for 12,000 visitors a year. Its corrugated metal roof has significant leaks and our bucket brigade can no longer keep up. The museum displays are at risk and we need your help to maintain the integrity of this historic structure. An initial bid to replace the roof came in at $152,000. It’s time for a new roof over this national and community treasure.

Landmarks Art & Garden Center

Believed to be the oldest existing building on the Tiburon Peninsula, the brick kiln cottage was built in 1872. There are near constant repairs needed to the cottage, and the upkeep of the one acre garden is a major annual expense. 


History Collections

The Archives are located in a controlled environment at the Boardwalk Shopping Center. The collection contains photographs, art, maps, documents, books, journals, oral histories, and artifacts focusing on the history of the Rancho Corte Madera del Presidio, an 1838 Mexican land grant to John T. Reed and Ylaria Sanchez. We are always seeking new treasures in and out of the community and the cataloging and caring for these items is a constant challenge.

To donate by check, please print and complete this form, make check payable and send to:

Belvedere Tiburon Landmarks Society
1550 Tiburon Boulevard, Suite M
Belvedere-Tiburon, CA 94920

Thank You!